3 Steps to Prepare Your Roof for Hurricane Season​

Satellite view of Hurricane Isaias

It is important to stay aware during hurricane season. This is your chance to take control of this situation. This way you can be prepared for the storm and take action. Follow these 3 steps that Baker Roofing Company recommends to prepare your roof hurricane season:

  1. STUDY THE STORM! Pay attention to the news and weather and what could be potentially coming. Hurricanes can cause flash flooding, winds and flying debris that can seriously damage your home. It’s important to stay informed during this time.
  2. SCHEDULE A ROOF INSPECTION! During this unpredictable season you should have a profession come and check out your roof. This is important because you can have someone check to see if your roof has any weak spots that may lead to further damage. Call Baker Roofing today to set up an Inspection. We will help you make sure your home is in its best condition.
  3. ROOF MAINTENANCE! After you have had your roofing inspection there are things you can do to keep an eye on your home. The first thing that you can do is to keep an eye on your attic to make sure there are no leaks or water stains. Another thing you can do is trim tree branches around your home so that big ones do not fall on your roof.

Always stay informed during the hurricane season! Preparation is the key! If you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to call your roofing professionals at Baker Roofing.