Memphis Commercial Roof Repair


Commercial Roofing Contractor Memphis

When your commercial roof needs repairing, there is no time to waste – you want to work with a company that can repair it right the first time. Turn to the roofing experts who have more than 100 years of experience repairing roofs across Memphis: Baker Roofing Company.

We are one of the largest and most experienced commercial roofing contractors in the U.S. and you can count on us for premier roof repair services. We have a combination of resources and experience that can’t be found anywhere else in Memphis, TN.

Premier Roof Repair Experts in Memphis

At Baker Roofing Company, we strive for excellence in every roof repair job we complete, which is why we provide a variety of roof repair services to commercial buildings in Memphis:

  • Leak Investigation and Repair. Leak investigation and repair roofing services require a specific skill set and training. You have to understand the dynamics of what causes water intrusion into a roofing system, which requires years of experience and specialized training. When you trust Baker Roofing Company to repair your Memphis commercial roof, you can rest assured knowing you have the best skilled and experienced team on the job.
  • Preventative Maintenance. Maintaining a preventative maintenance program for your commercial warranted roof is recommended by nearly every commercial roofing manufacturer. Some even offer extensions on their warranty if you have a plan in place. As roofing systems mature, investing in preventative maintenance now can help you save on major capital expenditures later. Dealing with maintenance items before they become critical also helps to mitigate interruptions in the building’s operations.
  • Warranty Repairs and Upfits. Baker Roofing Company is a licensed applicator of all major manufacturer’s roofing systems including Carlisle, Dow, Firestone, GAF, Johns Manville, Fibertite, Sika-Sarnafil, Siplast, Performance Roofing Systems and Tremco. This allows us to perform up-fits, renovations, and repairs to all warranted and unwarranted roofing systems. Our crews are extensively trained to ensure that our work is the best in the industry and maintains the existing manufacturer’s warranty on your roof. 

Don’t hesitate to contact Baker Roofing Company’s Memphis office today at (901) 565-9663 with any questions you may have, or to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced Memphis contractors.

Along with Memphis, TN, Baker Roofing Company is proud to provide premier roof repair services to businesses in Raleigh, Greensboro, Wilmington, Charlotte, Asheville, and Greenville, NC; Norfolk, Richmond, Roanoke, and Harrisonburg, VA; Charleston, SC; and Nashville, TN.